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Seaview Nursery School, Warrenpoint
Open Afternoon - Monday 13th January, 2-3 pm [Open Document]
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Eco School Activities

Our children are very fortunate to inhabit one of the world’s most beautiful coastlines.

To that end, working closely with our families, we aim to foster a sense of respect for and enjoyment of our local environment.

Last June we were delighted to be awarded our Green Flag which was premised on the very active role our whole school community has been playing in the promotion of healthy lifestyle and preservation of our unique natural resources.

Thus far in the 2024/25 year we have been conducting Autumn explorations in Warrenpoint Park, litter picking in the school’s immediate vicinity and recycling natural resources to create props and models for our outdoor mud kitchen.

In Spring term we propose to convene our Eco Committee which will:

-Design a school eco mascot

-Launch a little Eco Leaders Programme

-Carry out “Shore Thing” learning days

in many of the above activities we avail of the expertise of Environmental Educationalist, Liz Farnon.